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As a pet owner, you must do everything you can to benefit your dog and the environment. Properly using natural and organic products and asset conservation also help reduce carbon footprints and promote sustainability. Below are six earth-conscious habits that can be incorporated to green your pup’s activities.

Shop Local and Organic

Purchasing food and sweets, which are locally and organically grown, helps farmers who are your neighbors. It also helps to reduce transport emissions since there is a lesser amount of travel required. Identify research brands in your region that incorporate organic food without genetically modified products. Why not have your homemade treats instead? Refrain from packing items with high levels of plastics included in their manufacturing.

When you can, purchase supplies for your pets at stores specializing in pet accessories rather than the large chain stores with multiple branches. This cuts traveling distance and is likely to help increase the business of local industries and firms. The same stands at farmer’s markets also offer yummy fresh, organic items such as sweet potatoes and carrots.

Local and Organic Tips

Eliminate conventional toys from the market by introducing environmentally friendly toys. Swap synthetic food packaging for natural materials such as cotton. Select sturdy toys like ropes or rubber that can last years of toy playing.

Go for Eco-Friendly Toys

Some toys are now manufactured from recycled products, but ensure the products are harmless if consumed. Do not buy toys that are very cheap because most of them are likely to disintegrate into sharp parts. Eco toys are products that are environmentally friendly and sustainable, and here below are some of the toys that your pup can chew, chase, or even fetch.

Green Their Grooming

As is familiar with most manufacturing industries, the production of pet shampoos and grooming products involves the use of water, electricity, and plastics for packaging. Thus, it is recommended to use these items selectively and then adequately dispose of the used packaging.

But even if you can’t do that, it is best to create your own safe and effective doggy cleaners. Wash the toys with a mild Castile soap and water, or a solution of non-toxic glycerin can also be used. Comb their fur often using a brush sourced naturally from the environment and moisten the fur coat by applying natural oils. Clip nails as and when necessary, with appropriate pet-approved scissor-like tools manufactured from recycled steel.

Cleanup Green

Cleaning up after a dog is not the most glamorous job in the world, but nobody said having a dog is glamorous. If care is taken, cleanup can be done by various environmentally conscious means. Select those plastic baggies that break down upon decomposition or those containers that can be washed and used again. If you want to pick up solid waste, you can also use newspapers that you have read or fallen leaves.

If you have a dog, take appropriate measures to adequately dispose of the waste so it does not lead to polluting the water table. If there is a large amount of waste, place it where it will easily decompose. Plastic bags should never be thrown in the recycling bins; instead, they should be disposed of like other trash. This is because they can clog recycling equipment even if it bears the label of being recyclable.

Try to clean up in a way that will not be bad for the environment by being creative and making some preparations.

Walk and Play Sustainably

Dogs are active animals and should be taken for walks or other exercise daily or at least very frequently. It is important to make decisions on walking and playing that do not harm nature and instead, preserve nature. Ensure your dog only treads on maintained hiking trails to avoid crushing vegetation and disturbing animals. Keep in mind, dogs should always be leashed to prevent chasing birds or other animals. When out and about, always carry a bag and ensure that you clean after your dog to reduce pollution.

Sustainable Dog Parenting

In the home environment, provide a dog-safe play area, preferably enclosed with a fence. Some reasons include changing the toys often, so dogs do not get bored playing with the same toys and then discard them. Select natural environmental structures like tunnels, ramps, and scratching poles. Or create an appealing play space by anchoring rubber tires, large boxes with cut-out holes, or plastic bottles hanging from strings. Such toys are inexpensive compared to commercial ones and help your dog’s curiosity to rotate.

Prioritize Natural, Eco-Friendly Living

Think about the things that surround your dog and that occupy the space your dog lives in. Avoid synthetic fabric when choosing bedding and mat materials; opt for natural fabrics. Select natural fiber leashes and waste bag holders. Food bowls should not be made of plastic but should be made of stainless steel, ceramic or even bamboo.

Take a look at your daily routines as well. Again, baths should be done sparingly to avoid stripping their skin of natural oils, if they are not dirty. It is advised that they should be allowed to dry naturally rather than blow drying. The next step to be taken is to switch from the use of chemical-based cleaners that emit toxic fumes to natural cleaners.